


Bao Jinsong, Ph.D, Professor

东华大学智能制造研究所 |所长


Room 3033, College of Mechanical Engineering (Building 4#), Donghua University

Email: bao@dhu.edu.cn

招生 | Admission

学术博士:(080200)  机械工程

工程博士:(085500)  机械

硕士:机械工程 计算机科学

介绍 | Biography


   2002-2015:上海交通大学 计算机集成制造研究所,讲师、副教授


   2015至今:太阳成集团tyc151cc 智能制造研究所,所长,教授,博士生导师

研究方向 | Research Areas

   智能制造系统:CPS/CPPSDigital Thread/Digital Twin

   工业智能:Industrial CV/ NLPIndustrial Knowledge GraphBig Data

   人机协同与机器人:Human FactorCo-RobotCognitive Computing



科研项目 | Funding*-在研,#-结题)

[智能制造系统方向 | Intelligent Manufacture System]

1. 2021上海市经信委项目(2021-GYHLW-01013),“飞梭智纺”云上智造·产业链协同服务平台, 2021-2023, 项目负责人(*)










11.2017上海市科委智能制造专项:“基于CPS的军用特种车智能制孔机器人系统及示范应用”,2017- 2019,本单位负责人(#)






[工业智能 | Industrial Intelligent]
















[人机协同与机器人|Collaborative Robotics and its applications]    

32.科技部重点研发项目:“面向纺织典型行业的机器人自动化生产线示范应用”, 2017-2020,技术骨干(#)







专著与论文|Publications (*-通讯作者)


1.鲍劲松,刘天元,郑宇. 工业智能方法与应用. 电子工业出版社. 2022年6月. (ISBN: 9787121429583)

2.鲍劲松,武殿梁,杨旭波. 基于VR/AR的智能制造技术. 华中科技大学出版社. 2020年08月 (ISBN:9787568061971)

3.鲍劲松,程庆和,张华军,袁轶,金烨,高志龙. 海洋装备数字化工程. 上海科学技术出版社. 2020年10月 (ISBN:9787547847756)

4.张洁,秦威,鲍劲松. 制造业大数据. 上海科学技术出版社. 2016年4月 (ISBN:978-7-5478-2952-3) 

5.Zhang Rong, Bao Jinsong, Lu Yuqian, Li Jie and Lv Qibing, Cyber-Physical Systems: Solutions to pandemic challenges: Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly based on CPS, Book Chapter, 2021. p.71-85, ISBN 978-1-003-18638-0.

6.Xuemin Sun, Shimin Liu, Xinghai Gu, Jinsong Bao*, Jie Li, and Fuqin Hu.Multi-scale Online Monitoring Method of Aerospace Products Assembly Workshop Based on Digital Twin. Studies in Computational Intelligence by Springer : Digital Twins for Digital Transformation and Innovation in Industry: applications and future perspectives,Book chapter, 2021.



1. 张辉辉,郑龙辉,孙奕程,杨芸,李婕,黄德林,鲍劲松*,张丹.基于数字孪生的行车多因素隐性级联故障诊断[J].计算机集成制造系统,2023,29(06):2086-2101.

2. 孙志强,郑杭彬,吕超凡,孙学民,鲍劲松*.基于神经渲染的数字孪生资产快速场景几何建模与检索方法[J].计算机集成制造系统. 2023

3. 胡志强,刘鸣飞,李琦,李心雨*,鲍劲松.基于多源异构数据的风机多模态装配工艺知识图谱建模[J/OL].上海交通大学学报.2023.

4. 凌威,刘鸣飞,鲍劲松.基于知识图谱的中性几何模型装配特征语义重建方法[J/OL].计算机集成制造系统.2023

1. Jianhao Lv, Rong Zhang, Xinyu Li, Shimin Liu, Tianyuan Liu, Qi Zhang and Jinsong Bao*, A Multimodality Scene Graph Generation Approach for Robust Human–Robot Collaborative Assembly Visual Relationship Representation [J], IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2023.

2. Weibin Qu, Jie Li*, Rong Zhang, Shiming Liu, Jinsong Bao.. Adaptive planning of human–robot collaborative disassembly for end-of-life lithium-ion batteries based on digital twin[J]. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2023: 1-23.

3. Xingwang Shen, Xinyu Li, Bin Zhou, Yanan Jiang, Jinsong Bao*. Dynamic knowledge modeling and fusion method for custom apparel production process based on knowledge graph[J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2023, 55: 101880. 

4. Xingwang Shen, Shimin Liu, Bin Zhou, Tao Wu, Qi Zhang and Jinsong Bao*. Digital Twin-Driven Reinforcement Learning Method for Marine Equipment Vehicles Scheduling Problem[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2023. 

5. Rong Zhang, Jianhao Lv, Jinsong Bao*, Yu Zheng. A digital twin-driven flexible scheduling method in human-machine collaborative workshop based on hierarchical reinforcement learning[J]. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 2023,1-23. 

6. Jiqun Song, Shimin Liu, Tenglong Ma, Yicheng Sun, Fei Tao, Jinsong Bao*. Resilient digital twin modeling: A transferable approach[J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics 2023;58:102148.

7. Hangbin Zheng, Tianyuan Liu, Jiayu Liu, Jinsong Bao*. Visual analytics for digital twins: a conceptual framework and case study[J]. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2023: 1-16.

8. Yicheng Sun, Yuqian Lu, Jinsong Bao*, Fei Tao. Prognostics and health management via long short-term digital twins[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2023, 68:560-575.

9. Wenbo Jiang, Hangbin Zheng, Jinsong Bao. A Novel Multi-Step Deep Learning Approach for the Detection of Complex Defects in Solar Cells[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science), 2023.


1. 刘世民, 孙学民, 陆玉前, 王柏村, 鲍劲松*, 郭国强. 知识驱动的加工产品数字孪生拟态建模方法 [J]. 机械工程学报. 2022

2. 鲍劲松,张荣,李婕,陆玉前,彭涛.面向人-机-环境共融的数字孪生协同技术[J/OL].机械工程学报. 2022

3. 花豹,周彬,顾星海,鲍劲松.基于图神经网络的工艺表格语义相似性度量[J].计算机集成制造系统. 2022. 

4. 丁志昆,孙奕程,段亮亮,刘世民,鲍劲松.基于数字孪生的AR多人协作装配方法[J/OL].计算机集成制造系统. 2022

5. 沈慧,刘世民,许敏俊,黄德林,鲍劲松,郑小虎.面向加工领域的数字孪生模型自适应迁移方法[J].上海交通大学学报,2022,56(01):70-80.

6. 刘亚辉,申兴旺,顾星海,彭涛,鲍劲松,张丹.面向柔性作业车间动态调度的双系统强化学习方法[J].上海交通大学学报,2022,56(09):1262-1275.

7. 周彬, 花豹, 陆玉前, 等. 面向设备点检故障根因分析的因果知识建模方法[J/OL]. 计算机集成制造系统, 2022.

1. Liu Shimin, Sun Yicheng, Zheng Pai, Lu Yuqian, Bao Jinsong*. Establishing a reliable mechanism model of the digital twin machining system: An adaptive evaluation network approach [J]. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 2022, 62: 390–401.

2. Bin Zhou, Xingwang Shen, Yuqian Lu, Xinyu Li, Bao Hua, Tianyuan Liu, Jinsong Bao*. Semantic-aware event link reasoning over industrial knowledge graph embedding time series data[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2022, 1-18.

3. Tianyuan Liu, Hangbin Zheng, Jinsong Bao*, Pai Zheng, Junliang Wang, Changqi Yang, Jun Gu. An Explainable Laser Welding Defect Recognition Method Based on Multi-scale Class Activation Mapping[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022.

4. Mingfei Liu, Xinyu Li, Jie Li, Yahui Liu, Bin Zhou, Jinsong Bao. A knowledge graph-based data representation approach for IIoT-enabled cognitive manufacturing[J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2022, 51, 101515. 

5. Tianyuan Liu, Jinsong Bao*, Hangbin Zheng, Junliang Wang,  Changqi Yang, Jun Gu. Learning semantic-specific visual representation for laser welding penetration status recognition[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2022, 65: 347-360.

6. Sun Xuemin, Liu Shimin, Bao Jinsong, Li Jie, Liu Zengkun. A performance prediction method for a high-precision servo valve supported by digital twin assembly-commissioning[J]. Machines, 2022, 10(1): 1-21.

7. Rong Zhang, Jie Li, Pai Zheng, Yuqian Lu, Jinsong Bao, XueminSun. A fusion-based spiking neural network approach for predicting collaboration request in human-robot collaboration[J]. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2022, 78, 102383.

8. Qibing Lv, Rong Zhang, Tianyuan Liu, Pai Zheng, Yanan Jiang, Jie Li, Jinsong Bao, Lei Xiao. A strategy transfer approach for intelligent human-robot collaborative assembly[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2022, 168, 108047.

9. Qibing Lv, Tianyuan Liu, Rong Zhang, Yanan Jiang, Lei Xiao, Jingsong Bao. Generation Approach of Human-Robot Cooperative Assembly Strategy Based on Transfer Learning[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 2022, 27: 602-613.

10. Rong Zhang, Jianhao Lv, Jie Li, Jinsong Bao, Pai Zheng, Tao Peng. A graph-based reinforcement learning-enabled approach for adaptive human-robot collaborative assembly operations[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2022, 63:491-503.

11. Shimin Liu, Yuqian Lu, Pai Zheng, Hui Shen, JinsongBao. Adaptive reconstruction of digital twins for machining systems: A transfer learning approach[J]. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2022, 78, 102390.

12. Liu Jiayu, Zheng Hangbin, Jiang Yanan, Liu Tianyuan, Bao Jinsong. Visual Analytics Approach for Crane Anomaly Detection based on Digital Twin. 19th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering, 2022

13. Longhui Zheng, Yicheng Sun, Huihui ZHANG, Jingsong Bao*, Xiaochuan Chen, Zhenhong Zhao, Zhonghao Chen, Ruifeng Guan. Modeling and Analysis of Production Logistics Spatio-Temporal Graph Network Driven by Digital Twin[J].Journal of Donghua University(English Edition),2022,39(05):461-474.DOI:10.19884/j.1672-5220.202203004.

14. Bin Zhou, Jie Li, Xinyu Li, et al. Leveraging on causal knowledge for enhancing the root cause analysis of equipment spot inspection failures [J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2022, 54, 101799.

15.Xuemin Sun, Rong Zhang, Shimin Liu, Qibing Lv, Jinsong Bao*, Jie Li. A digital twin‐driven human–robot collaborative assembly‐commissioning method for complex products[J].The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022, 118: 3389-3402.

16. Jianhao Lv, Xinyu Li, Yicheng Sun, Yu Zheng, Jingsong Bao. A bio-inspired LIDA cognitive-based Digital Twin architecture for unmanned maintenance of machine tools[J]. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2023, p.15.


1.刘天元,郑杭彬,杨长祺,鲍劲松*,汪俊亮,顾俊.面向激光焊接缺陷识别的可解释性深度学习方法. 航空学报.

2.鲍劲松*,江亚南,刘家雨.面向认知的新一代纺织智能制造体系. 东华大学学报(自然科学版).



5.孙学民,刘世民,申兴旺,黄德林,鲍劲松.数字孪生驱动的高精密产品智能化装配方法[J].计算机集成制造系统, 2021: 1-17.

6.吕超凡,言颖杰,林力,柴岗,鲍劲松*. 基于点云语义分割算法的下颌角截骨面设计[J].上海交通大学学报,2021.

7.吕超凡,黄德林,刘天元,周亚勤,鲍劲松*. 基于点云深度学习的加工特征识别方法[J].计算机集成制造系统,2021.

1.Tianyuan Liu, Jiacheng Wang, Xiaodi Huang, Yuqian Lu, Jinsong Bao*. 3DSMDA-Net:an improved 3DCNN with separable structure and multi-dimensional attention for welding status recognition[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2021.

2.Bin Zhou, Jinsong Bao*, Zhiyu Chen, Yahui Liu. KGAssembly: Knowledge graph-driven assembly process generation and evaluation for complex components[J]. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2021.

3.Basit Farooq, Jinsong Bao*, Hanan Raza, Yicheng Sun, Qingwen Ma. Flow-Shop Path Planning for Multi-Automated Guided Vehicles in Intelligent Textile Spinning Cyber-physical Production Systems Dynamic Environment[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2021, 59: 98-116.

4.Shimin Liu, Shanyu Lu, Jie Li, Xuemin Sun, Yuqian Lu, Jinsong Bao*. Machining process-oriented monitoring method based on digital twin via augmented reality[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021.

5.Qibing Lv, Rong Zhang, Xuemin Sun, Yuqian Lu, Jinsong Bao*. A digital twin-driven human-robot collaborative assembly approach in the wake of COVID-19[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2021.

6.Zhou Bin, Bao Jinsong*, Li Jie, Lu Yuqian, Liu Tianyuan, Zhang Qiwan. A novel knowledge graph-based optimization approach for resource allocation in discrete manufacturing workshops[J]. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 2021, 71, 102160. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rcim.2021.102160

7.Liu Shimin, Lu Yuqian, Li Jie, Song Dengqiang, Sun Xuemin, Bao Jinsong*. Multi-scale evolution mechanism and knowledge construction of a digital twin mimic model[J]. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 2021, 71, 102123. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rcim.2021.102123

8.Rong Zhang, Qibin Lv, Jie Li, Jinsong Bao*, Tianyuan Liu, Shimin Liu. A reinforcement learning method for human-robot collaboration in assembly tasks[J]. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 2022, 73, 102227. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rcim.2021.102227.

9.Minjun Xu, Shimin Liu, Hui Shen, Jinsong Bao*. Process‑oriented unstable state monitoring and strategy recommendation for burr suppression of weak rigid drilling system driven by digital twin[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021.

10.Shen Xingwang, Liu Shimin, Zhang Can, Bao Jinsong*. Intelligent material distribution and optimization in the assembly process of large offshore crane lifting equipment[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2021, 159: 107496.

11.LIU Shimin, Bao Jinsong*, Lu Yuqian, Li Jie, Lu Shanyu, Sun Xuemin. Digital twin modeling method based on biomimicry for machining aerospace components[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 2021, 58:18095.doi:10.1016/j.jmsy.2020.04.14 (ESI 高被引)

12.Bin Zhou, Bao Hua, Xinghai Gu, Yuqian Lu, Tao Peng, Yu Zheng, Xingwang Shen, Jinsong Bao*. An end-to-end tabular information-oriented causality event evolutionary knowledge graph for manufacturing documents[J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2021.


1.刘天元,鲍劲松*,汪俊亮,郑小虎,王佳铖.受限解空间下粗粒度正则化的熔池边缘自适应检测方法. 焊接学报

2.刘天元,鲍劲松*,汪俊亮,顾俊.融合时序信息的激光焊接熔透状态识别方法. 中国激光.


4.王佳铖,鲍劲松*,刘天元,李志强. 基于工件注意力的车间作业行为在线识别方法.计算机集成制造系统



7.顾星海, 鲍劲松*, 吕超凡. 基于知识图谱的装配语义建模. 航空制造技术


1.YIN Shiyong, Bao Jinsong*, Zhang Jie, Li Jie, Wang Junliang, Huang Xiaodi. Real-time task processing for spinning cyber-physical production systems based on edge computing[J]. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 2020.06,doi.org/10.1007/s10845-020-01553-6

2.LIU Tianyuan, Bao Jinsong*, Wang Junliang, Zhang Yiming. A Coarse-Grained Regularization Method of Convolutional Kernel for Molten Pool Defect Identification[J]. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 2020, 20(2), 021005.

3.Yang Yun, Wang Jiacheng, Liu Tianyuan, Lv Xiaolei, Bao Jinsong*. Improved Long Short-Term Memory Network with Multi-Attention for Human Action Flow Evaluation in Workshop[J]. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(21): 7856.

4.Liu Ziwen, Xiao Lei*, Bao Jinsong, Tao Qingbao. Bearing Incipient Fault Detection Method Based on Stochastic Resonance with Triple-Well Potential System. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 2020:1-6.

5.Farooq Basit, Bao Jinsong*, Ma Qingwen. Flow-Shop Predictive Modeling for Multi-Automated Guided Vehicles Scheduling in Smart Spinning Cyber-physical Production Systems. Electronics, 2020, 9(5).

6.Li Zhiqiang, Bao Jinsong*, Liu Tianyuan, Wang Jiacheng. Judging the Normativity of PAF Based on TFN and NAN. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 2020, 25(5): 569-577.

7.Chen Zhiyu, Bao Jinsong*, Zheng Xiaohu, Liu Tianyuan. Assembly Information Model Based on Knowledge Graph. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 2020, 25(5): 578-588.


1. 殷士勇,鲍劲松*,孙学民,王佳铖.基于信息物理系统的环锭纺纱智能车间温度闭环精准控制方法. 纺织学报, 2019,40(2):159-165

2. 鲍劲松,李志强,周亚勤.基于遗传算法的舰载装备多目标作业调度优化研究. 系统仿真学报, 2019, 31(5):901-908

1.YIN Shiyong, Bao Jinsong*, ZHANG Jie, Li Jie. Real-time task processing method based on edge computing for spinning CPS. Front. Mech. Eng.2019, 14(3):320–331.

2.SUN Xuemin, Bao Jinsong*, LI Jie, ZHANG Yiming, LIU Shimin, ZHOU Bin. A Digital Twin-Driven Approach for the Assembly-Commissioning of High Precision Products. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2019,61.


1. 鲍劲松,李志强,项前,武殿梁,郑小虎.半实物虚拟装配的建模、演化与应用. 机械工程学报, 2018,54(11):61-69

1.BAO Jinsong, GUO Dongsheng, LI Jie, ZHANG Jie. The modelling and operations for the digital twin in the context of manufacturing. Enterprise Information Systems,2018:1-23.

2.BAO Jinsong, ZHENG Xiaohu, ZHANG Jianguo, et al. Data-driven process planning for shipbuilding. AI Edam-Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design Analysis and Manufacturing, 2018,32(1):122-130.

3.LIU Tianyuan, BAO Jinsong*, WANG Junliang, ZHANG Yiming. A Hybrid CNN–LSTM Algorithm for Online Defect Recognition of CO2 Welding. Sensors,2018, 18(12):4369.

4.YIN Shiyong, BAO Jinsong*, ZHANG Yiming, HUANG Xiaodi. M2M Security Technology of CPS Based on Blockchains. Symmetry-Basel, 2017,9(9):193.

5.BAO Jinsong, WANG Qian, ZHENG Xiaohu, ZHANG Jianguo, JI Xia. A human-machine interaction approach of block erection schedule with three-dimensional spatial constraints, Concurrent Engineering-Research and Applications,2016,24(4):359-368.

[国际会议论文 | Conference papers]

1. Shen Xingwang, Liu Shimin, Zhou Bin, Zheng Yu, Bao Jinsong*. Digital twin-based scheduling method for marine equipment material transportation vehicles. 2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). IEEE, 2022: 100-105.

2. Rong Zhang; Xinyu Li; Yu Zheng; Jianhao Lv; Jie Li; Pai Zheng; Jinsong Bao*. Cognition-driven Robot Decision Making Method in Human-robot Collaboration Environment. 2022 IEEE 18th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2022, pp. 54-59.

3.Bin Zhou, Jinsong Bao, Yahui Liu, Dengqiang Song.BA-IKG : BiLSTM Embedded ALBERT for Industrial Knowledge Graph Generation and Reuse.18th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2020.

4.Jiang Yanan, Liu Yahui, Bao Jinsong, Li Jie, Zhang Jie, Fang Yunhao.Human-in-Cognition Manfacturing-Loop(HCML): Framework and Technologies. Proceedings of the ASME 2020 15th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, 2020.

5.SUN Xuemin, BAO Jinsong*, YIN Shiyong, LI Zhiqiang. Global Optimization of Thermal Fatigue Resistance of Brake Disc Materials Based on Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network. IOP Conference Series: MSE,2018

6.BAO Jinsong, YUAN Guangchao, ZHENG Xiaohu, ZHANG Jianguo, JI Xia. A Data Driven Model for Predicting Tool Health Condition in High Speed Milling of Titanium Plates Using Real-Time SCADA. 24th CIRP LCE, Kamakura, Japan, MAR 08-10, 2017

7.BAO Jinsong, YIN Shiyong, ZHENG Xiaohu. A framework of cyber-physical system for smart cotton production. 13th IEEE CASE, Xi'an, China, 20-23 Aug. 2017

发明专利 | Patents

1.鲍劲松,陈治宇,刘世民,丁鹏鹏,孙习武,陈长江,翁海红:基于卷积神经网络航天结构件工业物联标识激光打码系统, 2020.10.30, 专利号: CN109291657B.

2.申兴旺,鲍劲松,卢山雨,张菲菲:A visualization method of ship structural parts based on a multi-scale model, 2020.8.26, 澳大利亚革新专利:  2020101597.

3.殷士勇,鲍劲松:一种基于区块链技术的棉纺生产CPS中M2M安全方法, 2019.7.23,专利号:CN107566342B.

4.鲍劲松,武殿梁:融合Kinect设备和Delmia环境的人机交互虚拟装配系统及装配方法, 2016.3.2,专利号: CN 201310113138.8

5.鲍劲松:集成Modelica的三维视景仿真系统, 2013.8.28,专利号: CN 201110320681.6

6.鲍劲松,金烨,程庆和,潘建辉,胡小锋:三维空间约束下的船舶分段吊装仿真系统, 2012.7. 4,专利号: CN 2010102300451.6   

荣誉及获奖 | Honors





学术兼职与服务 | Affiliations and services


2.中国机械工程学会机器人分会 第一届理事

3.中国机械工程学会工业大数据与智能系统分会 第一届理事

4.中国人工智能学会智能制造专业委员会 理事

5.国际期刊IJPOM编委(2005-2015),国际期刊RCIM Guest Editor(2020),AIEDM Guest Editor(2020),JMS,JIM,JPM,IJCIM,IJPR,IJAMT,IEEE IOT,IEEE TII等国际刊物评审专家


演讲与特邀报告 | Speeches and invited reports


2.AIAAT,2018,Applications and technologies on AI-assisted smart manufacturing,Shanghai


4.AIAAT 2019,Data Intelligence:Empowering DT++ Manufacturing,Xi'An




8.BDAI 2019,Industrial Intelligence for Manufacturing,Shanghai



教学 | Teaching



3.全英文课程:2015国际大师研究生课程《Advanced Engineering》,2019-2020《Intelligent Manufacturing System》
